Thank You to our Supporters and Partners
BYE currently has the support of organizations representing public and private groups: business entities and associations, government agencies, and other nonprofit organizations. Because of BYE’s ongoing relationships with these organizations, through meetings, special cultivation events, service & referral mechanisms, and cooperation with business coalitions, we sought these organizations’ input in the development of the program components presented here.
Because of BYE’s associations with these groups, we can work not only with formal leaders (e.g., administrators, officers, executive directors) but also with influential informal leaders who have constituencies, knowledge, and clout and are often the key to gaining credibility. Our collaborating partners’ organizations know what works in the target communities. They know, understand and are part of the cultural fabric that makes up the city and are sensitive to its issues, customs and norms. They see the most-effective ways to reach people with information and programs, the kinds of meetings and organizations people will attend and join, and what will create investment for residents and families. BYE has established fruitful relationships with numerous people and groups, such as those shown below

Brooklyn Borough President


New York City Council

Raymour & Flanigan